Turning my storm into someone else's rainbow
Turning my storm into someone else's rainbow
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I is for...

Baby Dragon Delestrogen Egg Retrieval Embryo Transfer Fertility In Vitro Infertility Injections IVF PIO Progesterone

So I may have lied to you all in my first post.

We knew exactly when the next transfer would be. The 22nd. Two and a half weeks from today. EEK! 

Any of you who have been through this process know exactly what that means. Injections. I is for injections. I is also for I lied. I am a horrible person. Or a private one....however you want to look at it.

After losing my father, grandmother, grandpa and great aunt all in about 18 months, I have a strong aversion to the phrases "I'm sorry" and "I'm sorry for your loss" ... almost as much as I've come to hate "It's all in God's plan" -- but that usually comes from someone who has NO idea how infertility works, and are telling us to just "stop trying and it will happen," ... yep, because that works on every other disease and diagnosis, right?

Anyway...back to today's scheduled programming,

Today is the first day of injections for this transfer cycle. Delestrogen. Estrogen in (fairly thick) liquid form. To be injected Fridays and Mondays through the beta test...and throughout the first trimester if this little embryo sticks and we get a positive pregnancy test. That would be a first.

.2ml today, .25ml on Monday, and further dosage is TBD after my blood draw next week. This is the smallest, least painful, least frequent injection of them all. I almost don't mind this one. Except for the headaches. I am not looking forward to the headaches.

Next comes Progesterone In Oil (PIO). That one hurts. We sart it on the 16th. It begins with 1ml for two days, then increases to 2ml daily.


The injection itself isn't that  bad. A needle poke in the hip/butt area. Hold SUPER still while injecting painstakingly slow. Bandage it up. Massage and apply heat. Don't skip those steps or you end up with big lumps. Remember them, and you just end up with lumps in general...and a sore ass.

A bruised, lumpy, sore ass. Babymaking is sexy folks.


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